



Abstract submission

Contributions are requested on the application or foundations of Bayesian methods or the maximum entropy principle. The abstract should clearly summarise the new work to be presented. Accepted abstracts will be presented at the meeting either as contributed talks (20 mins. + 5 mins. discussion) or posters. Templates for the abstracts are available below.

Abstracts, limited to one page, can only be submitted via e-mail to Only the PDF file format will be accepted.

We are also seeking proposals to present one of the one-hour tutorial sessions which will take place on Sunday, the 14th of December. If you are interested in presenting a tutorial, please indicate this in your email.

The abstract submission deadline is 7th July, 2025. Authors will be notified regarding acceptance of their contribution before 11th August, 2025.


An example of the abstract layout is available here.


Presentation instructions

For oral presentations a slide format of 16:9 is recommended. The allocated time is as follows:

  • Tutorial talks: 1 hour, incl. 10 min. questions
  • Invited talks: 40 min., incl. 5 min. questions
  • Contributed talks: 25 min., incl. 5 min. questions

Please note that the conference schedule foresees a 5 min. break between talks to change speakers.


The poster panels are A0 portrait.


Contact us
